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McPherson County Conservation District

Working With You To Create  A Sustainable Future

Through education, leadership, and implementation of conservation practices, Conservation Districts guide landowners, agriculture producers, and community members on the importance of caring for the natural resources that provide the necessary items to sustain life. 

Barley Fields


South Dakota Conservation Districts were developed more than 75 years ago as local forms of government. The districts are overseen by locally elected officials. 

Conservation Districts originated after the Dust Bowl when everyone lost much of their top soil and understood the value of protecting our natural resources. What started by simply planting more trees to break the wind has expanded to implement technology and farming practices to protect our air, soil, water, and wildlife.

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Programs and Services

Cover Crop Initative

The cover crop initiative is a program available through the Conservation District that is funded through the South Dakota Commission Grant. 


This program is available to all producers who are interested in planting cover crops to address a resource concern on their fields. 


Tree Planting and Fabric Installation

The Conservation District works with producers to plan and order trees to create a shelterbelt or tree planting that suites the needs of the producer.  Once planning has been finalized, trees are ordered and planted by the District in the spring. 


Weed barrier fabric is installed after all the trees have been planted. This helps retain moisture, prevent weed competition and supports growth in the early years of a trees life.


Tree tubes are also available for installation at the request of the producer.  

Drill Seeding

The District offers planting services of cover crops, grass, CRP, or hay seedings.  


Milborn Seeds Distributor

Millborn Seeds provide a variety of grass, forage, and cover crop seed or mixes. The District works closely with Millborn Seeds to order your desired mixes and get the seed to you in a timely fashion.  


709 Moulton St, Leola, SD 57456, USA

PO Box 60


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