In a collaborative effort to increase conservation, the District provides local leadership and education on the value of natural resources and conservation.
By planting trees and other land covers to hold soil in place and prevent erosion while also filtering groundwaters. These waters provide much of South Dakota's drinking water. With education and resource guidance, the Districts assist farmers and ranchers with nutrient management, reducing soil loss, and water and forage quality amongst other things.
Meet the Team
partnering with you for a more sustainable future
Doug Kindlespire
Drill Operator
Conservation District Board
Conservation Districts are a local form of government, thus being guided by a board of local community members, much like a school board. Members are responsible for guiding the decision making process about local resource concerns to be addressed and funding to pursue.
Board Meetings are held monthly and open to the public. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact the district manager.
Board Members
Mark Morlock- Chair
Collin Hoffman
Dan Mettler
Mike Kallas
Trevor Zantow